Monday, July 15, 2013

These little guys sure can eat!

Most of the guests at our bird feeder are finches, probably 90-95% of them, with the occasional woodpecker or oak titmouse stopping by. I refill the thing every few days now, and it takes about 3-4 cups to fill -- that's a lot of seed.  How do these little guys eat so much?

Finches tend to dominate the feeder, but I happened to be looking out when a family of woodpeckers came a-calling. Two remained on the tree branch, while the third got some food, which he then seemed to feed to one of the waiting birds. On his second visit to the feeder though, he didn't share.  Eventually the two slightly larger birds set about pushing and pecking at the one who had been fed. I can only surmise that these two, like most parents of adolescents, had decided to tell the youngster it's time to get off his lazy behind and get his own food.

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