
This being California, there is a bewildering array of public and private agencies that manage the infrastructure. Every time I need something, there's a different agency with an alphabet soup-full of letters in its name. 

Cal Am
California American Water. The company that provides the water service. It's a private company; there is a proposal for the public to buy out all or part of CalAm's operations on the peninsula. 
Fort Ord Reuse Authority. This agency is responsible for the cleanup and redevelopment of the former Fort Ord military base, which closed in 1994. Being the government, there's a gazillion other agencies involved as well (BRAC, US-EPA, Cal-EPA, 
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.  The federally protected marine area in the Monterey Bay. The Sanctuary has a Superintendent and full-time to staff to look after its interests. 

Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District. They've got a "re-branding" contest going on so hopefully someone will come up with a better name.
Monterey Regional Waste Management District. They're responsible for trash collection and recycling.  

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