Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Peanut-lovin' jays

Western scrub jays are ubiquitous around here. You can hear their distinctive raspy chirps all over town. Cheee-eep. Cheee-eep. Wanting to be hospitable to all of our new neighbors, we inquired at the Wild Bird store and learned that jays like peanuts. So we started putting peanuts out each day. And then we learned that jays will take as many peanuts as you are willing to give them. Most of the time they don't eat the peanuts straightaway, they stash them for later. They'll grab one, stash it as quickly as possible,  and then keep coming back, looking for more.

The local jays quickly figured out that our french doors are a peanut dispensing station, so one sets up camp in the tree just outside the door, and another maintains a vigil atop the utility pole next door. As soon as the door opens, in they swoop.

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